Prototype Filtration Module H-Series(2005 invention by ItN Nanovation AG) > Multi Plate Water Collector with external module hose connections> In operation from 03/2005 until 08/2006 (project phase 1)
Filtration Module G-Series(2006 invention by ItN Nanovation AG)> Single Plate Water Collector Design with external module pipe & hose connections> In operation since 09/2006 after plant expansion (project phase 2)> 2x3 Single towers each with 7 modules
> Standard Backwash > Standard Air-scouring during Filtration and Backwash> High-pressure water jet> CEB Hypo ex-situ> CEB Hot water acid ex-situ
> Location: St. Wendel (Germany)> Start-up 03/2005>Plant expansion (connection of golf course hotel) 08/2006> MBR with denitrification & nitrification process> Filtered water quality matching EU Bathing Water Directive suitable for toilet flushing> Up to 50 m³/d> COD/BOD < 20/4 ppm